Color Creations
Theme: Art, Creative Thinking
Grade Level: elementary
Lesson Overview
Students will mix primary colored tempera paints together and observe the changes that occur.
Lesson Objectives
Grade Level: elementary
Lesson Overview
Students will mix primary colored tempera paints together and observe the changes that occur.
Lesson Objectives
- Students will learn the difference between primary and secondary colors.
- Students will learn that mixing two primary colors results in a secondary color.
- Students will explore the role of art in self-expression.
- White construction paper; folded in half
- Red, yellow, and blue tempera paint
- Syringes (you can get these from the pharmacy)
- Markers
- What will happen when we mix the red and blue paint?
- What will happen when we mix the red and yellow paint?
- What will happen when we mix the blue and yellow paint?
- What do you see when you look at the color creation that you made?
- Tell the students that red, blue, and yellow are called primary colors.
- Tell the students that mixing primary colors makes other colors.
- Hand out folded white construction paper (opened up)
- Help students squirt a couple of drops of two of the primary colors on the white paper, one color on one side and one on the other side.
- Students will fold the paper in half at the crease and rub the paint around.
- They will open the paper to discover what color they made.
- Repeat with other colors.
- Students will look at their color creations and talk about what they look like.
- Once dry, students will use markers to create something out of their color creations.