![]() For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. A Prayer for you…
I thank God for you, for the solid trust you have in the Lord Jesus Christ and your outpouring of love to all His followers. I can’t stop thanking God for you. But I do more than thank Him. I ask — the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the God of glory — to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing Him personally. May your eyes stay focused and clear so that you can see exactly what it is He is calling you to do. May you grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life He has for His followers — the utter extravagance of His work in us who trust Him — endless energy, boundless strength! (Taken from Ephesians 1:15-19) I am pleased that you continue to serve, believing and proclaiming God’s Message. There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and use you in a mighty way to serve Him. So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much, but well. May you live a lover’s life — a life Jesus will be proud of. A life bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God. (Taken from Philippians 1:33-11) May you stand firm in the Lord. May you live in harmony with others. May you rejoice in the Lord. May your heart and your mind be guarded in Christ Jesus. May you dwell on whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, whatever is excellent and worthy of praise. (From Philippians 4-10) May God our Father Himself and our Lord Jesus Christ clear the road to you! And may Our King pour on love so it fills your life and splashes over on everyone around you. May you be infused with strength and purity, and filled with confidence and boldness. (From 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13) May God Himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together — spirit, soul, and body — and keep you fit for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (From 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24) May God’s Word be heard through all you say. And may you be protected by all the troublemakers who are trying to do us in. I’m finding that not all “believers” are believers. But the Lord never lets us down. He’ll stick by you and protect you from evil. May the Lord take you by the hand and lead you along the path of God’s love and Christ’s endurance. (From 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5) May you devote yourself to prayer and thanksgiving this coming year. May you honor those you serve. May you continue to grow in your love and knowledge of King Jesus. May your words be His words. May your thoughts be His thoughts. May your heart be in line with His heart. I pray these things in the precious and holy name of our Lord King Jesus. Amen. Pastor Joby encourages us to keep a gratitude list-- for each year you have lived, you list one thing you are grateful for. This list is not in any specific order. This is my 2025 list.
This is Wilbur, an American Bulldog that belongs to my son Justin and his wife Kellie. I took this picture a few years back. It is one of my favorites.
Painting Roxy (my Frenchie) and BootyJ (my cat that thinks he is a dog) has been fun! In addition to experimenting with undercoat paint colors and loose strokes, I tried Golden Fluid Acrylics. I love them! The colors are intense and strong, however the paint is thin and creamy. I will be using them to paint a portrait of my older pup Bruno next.
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April 2024