Encouragement Postcards
Thessalonians 5:11a tells us to “encourage each other and build each other up” (NLT). What are some ways you can encourage someone? One way is by letting them know that we appreciate them.
In this lesson you will create a postcard to encourage a person you know.
- Postcard size card or paper (4 × 6 inches)
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Markers or colored pencils
- Begin by asking God to reveal someone who needs encouragement. It may be someone in your family, a friend, a neighbor, someone you work with or someone you go to school with. It could be a person you haven't seen in awhile or someone you see all the time.
- Think about what you would like to tell them. It might be a a short phrase or Bible verse.
- Write the phrase or Bible verse on the front of the postcard.
- You can draw specific images that relate to this person or draw objects that relate to the phrase or Bible verse you want to include on the front of the postcard.
- Add color with markers or colored pencils.
- When you have finished the front, consider writing a longer message on the back of the postcard.
- When you have finished, reflect on what you have created. What feelings came up for you while you were creating your postcard?
- Mail or give your postcard to the person you created it for.