You care for people and animals alike, O Lord. Psalm 36:6
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ One of the things I fell in love with when I first saw our home was the front door. It is beautiful, old and quirky like me. Another thing I love is that our house came with Mr. Boots (also known as Booty) a sweet, adorable, old cat that I love dearly. We spend time together every morning and evening on the front porch. I read my daily devotions and Booty eats. Thank you God for caring for both of us.
We had to cut down a large dead tree about a month ago. It was right beside this beautiful purple hibiscus tree and I was afraid it wasn't going to survive. But, here it is showing off and I love the purple color. I don't know if this picture represents how the color really looks. It is purple. And as an art teacher, I think about what purple represents--Priesthood, royalty, kingship, strength, and power. As a Christian, I think about it as a symbol of the sovereignty of Christ. Needless to say, I love this small purple hibiscus tree.
"He flows through you when He is in you." Barbara Smith
This painting is going through changes. The water has disappeared for the time being. Seagulls have been added and deleted. Shadows have been removed and sunglasses are in place. Eventually I know one of two things will happen. It will come to a point of completion or it will get a coat of gesso. That's just how it is sometimes. Like this painting, I am also going through changes. Right now the changes resemble a canvas that has been covered with gesso waiting for paint to be added. I recently retired from my job with Curicyn. While I will miss the people I worked with, I look forward to the new adventure ahead even though I'm not sure what it looks like yet. Let the painting begin.
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Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8
AuthorBrenda McCullers Podcast LinksArchives
April 2024