During this semester, NJAHS members met in the FBCS art studio during lunch every Wednesday. The artists used this time to create artwork for people that have encouraged, supported, and influenced them. Thursday night, members displayed and presented their artwork to the recipients. NJAHS members Delaney, Haleigh, & Vivian spearheaded the Helping Haiti Collection Drive. From mid October through November, they had FBCS and Apple Tree Academy students bring in supplies. This week the supplies will be delivered to Missionary Flights International in Fort Pierce where they will be loaded on planes headed for Haiti. I am proud of these girls and blessed to know them. Way to make a difference for Christ! Also a big thank you goes to Mrs. Edwards for her help with collecting supplies from Apple Tree Academy.
Today FBCS students participated in the 24th annual See You At the Pole (SYATP) event. Afterwards, our National Junior Art Honor Society members held a prayer walk. Four prayer stations were set up and middle school students spent time at each one. They prayed for our leaders and servicemen, the unsaved, our school, families, friends, missionaries, church and world. Artwork was created for each station and is now hanging in the middle school building to remind us to continue to lift up our needs in prayer. I am so proud of FBCS students and NJAHS! Great job today! SEE YOU AT THE POLE is Wednesday, September 24th. National Junior Art Honor Societystudents are hosting a prayer walk for that morning. The prayer walk will take place during middle school student’s Bible class, 8:00-9:00. Fifth thru eighth grade classes will be participating.
We welcome your participation! SEE YOU AT THE POLE event will run from 7:30-7:50. Parents can then check in as a visitor with Mrs. Smith at 8:00 to participate in the prayer walk. The four prayer stations: Station 1 Located in the breeze way between the buildings Prayers for our country, Leaders, and servicemen and women Station 2 Located on the walkway by the school office Prayers for the unsaved Station 3 Located at playground tables Prayers for family, friends, missionaries, church, and world Station 4 By the elementary school front door Prayers for FBCS, staff, and students I'm looking forward to seeing Melanie Izaguirre, Jordan Miller, Natasha Luce, Kaycy Hirstius, Keara Bell, Decker Tallbacka, Megan Corcoran, and Alex Chase in the Art Room, Wednesday, August 26th, 2:30-3:30 for our first NJAHS meeting of the year!
If you are interested in being a NJAHS member please see Mrs. McCullers.
Here are requirements: • Students must be in 6th-8th grade • All grades must be "B" or higher • No major infractions • Students are required to attend meetings. If tardy more than 3 times or absent more than 3 times they will be dismissed from NJAHS. There are some exceptions to this rule and each tardy/absence will be dealt with individually. FBCS staff/teachers will confidentially fill out student recommendations. Rules and procedures are the same for NJAHS as for regular class. Any student that does not follow the rules, expectation or procedures will be given a warning. If the problem continues students will be dismissed. Meetings are the first Wednesday of the month. Write a paragraph on why you would like to be part of NJAHS. Students created Christmas Posters to display on the walls of FBCS and enjoyed Ice Cream Sundaes! |
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April 2024